Saturday, August 8, 2009

Mommy's Home

Shhh... it's me again, don't tell mommy and daddy that I have been on the computer again, I am supposed to be asleep in my crib, but I wanted to give you all an update.

I am so happy, my mommy came home yesterday from her "business trip to Texas". I went to school in the morning, but shortly after lunch, daddy picked me up. I was wondering what was going on because he rarely picks me up early and coming to get me so early meant I didn't get to take my afternoon nap or play with my friends. Daddy said we were going to go to the airport again but I was not quite sure what he was talking about, I kept thinking "What's the airport?"

We went back to the place where I had last seen mommy, maybe daddy thought she got lost amongst all those people that were walking around. Instead of looking for mommy, daddy just stood there holding me and trying to get me to look at through this big window that seemed to just look into another room where people were sitting down. I looked at all of the people that were sitting down, but I didn't see mommy so I decided that I would look at my toes because they were moving around and they were more interesting than all of those people.

After awhile, daddy was tapping on the window trying to get me to look up, but my toes were still capturing my attention. Then I looked up and there was my mommy, right in front of me, and she had tears in her eyes. She gave daddy and I a hug and then took me from dad's arms and was giving me kisses, I sure did miss mommy kisses. After she quit hugging me so tightly, and I was able to catch my breath, I gave her a big smile to let her know that I was happy to see her which made her cry even more.

I don't know what she was doing at that place, was she just walking around looking for us all the time she was away? Mommy must have been scared if she got lost at this "airport" all that time. Once I can talk better I think I need to tell mommy to not wander off when we are at the airport, and then she won't get lost for several days and won't have to say she was on a "business trip". Maybe we should put a GPS tracker on her so she doesn't get lost again.

So far this has all been about my mommy getting lost, but I want everyone to know that my daddy took such good care of my while mommy was lost at the airport. Dad and I got to spend quality guy time together, and I know that if mommy gets lost again, I will be in very capable hands. Thanks for taking good care of me daddy.

I love you mommy and daddy,

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Day Three

Pssst… It’s me, BudBud, again. Boy, daddy needs to keep his computer locked up if he doesn’t want me playing on it. Well, I wanted to update everyone on how well daddy is being “Mr. Mom”. He’s doing okay, I guess. I mostly wanted to tell mommy just how much I love and miss her!!

I couldn’t sneak down here last night, sometimes daddy watches like a hawk! It’s irritating! I hope he eases up soon.

This morning I woke up about 5:15am. I’m not too sure of the time… because I can’t tell time yet! What do you guys expect outta me? I’m only 10 and a half months old for crying out loud. Anyway, I didn’t hear daddy moving around yet, so I decided to continue with my language lessons for my sheet animals. I kept this up for a while, but they STILL do not answer me. Maybe I’m doing this all in vain. I thought I heard daddy so I figured I’d continue my lessons until he came up and got me. He took too long so I fell back to sleep. When I woke up again, it didn’t take him long to come get me. My diaper was soiled (number 2) so daddy changed me and then gave me my morning bottle. Since I fell back to sleep we didn’t have much time to play around ‘til we had to go to school. Well, _I_ went to school and daddy went to work. I think I have much more fun at school than he does at work.

Before I knew it, I looked up and there was daddy. I love seeing my parents pick me up; I get such a big smile from them. I guess that’s because I smile at them first. Teacher said I didn’t nap very well, the snitch, but I ate pretty well.

When we got home, daddy tricked me into lying on his lap. The next thing I knew, I was waking up in my bed. How did he do that? Well, I called out to daddy and he came and got me. When we got downstairs, he said it was time for me to eat and put me in my highchair. He had everything ready; squash and fruit medley. I thought I was going to starve. Daddy couldn’t feed me fast enough. He should have known because I opened up my mouth instead of trying to dodge the first bite. I ate all of my squash and about three-fourths of my fruit. Daddy gave me my bottle and I gobbled it up.

After I ate, daddy and I played while we talked to mommy. Daddy says that I smiled real big when I heard mommy. I couldn’t see her but daddy said she was in this little box. I wonder why she got in there. I didn’t think she’d fit. I don’t think _I_ would fit.

Time sure flies when I’m home with mommy and daddy because daddy was changing me into my night clothes quicker than I thought. I knew it was time for my night bottle because daddy got the boppy in position. I think he goes in slow motion on purpose when it’s night time. I cried that I was not happy with waiting for the bottle. He pulled me up and gave me my bottle. After I was finished, I thought it would be a good time to show daddy how well I clap. I was so excited. He wasn’t too excited. He kept telling me it was time to go to sleep. I wasn’t quite tired, so I tried to climb over daddy’s shoulder. That didn’t work very well. He must know Jujitsu or something because in a blink, I was on his other arm in a sleep position. I tried to tell him, I’m not ready for bed, so I tried burrowing. He said something about it being an hour of this and I was getting put in my crib. “What?!” I thought “he’s just going to plop me in my bed?” Sure enough, that’s what he did. I started calling his name in the most pathetic tone I could muster, but he must have put something in his ears so he couldn’t hear me. I must have drifted off to sleep because it’s really dark now while I’m writing this.

Well, I wanted to update mommy on how I was doing. I better get back to bed before daddy hears me.

I love you, mommy.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

It's me, BudBud

Shh… Don’t tell daddy but this is BudBud. I wanted to update the blog since he doesn’t seem to find the time to do it. Today mommy flew to Texas for work. She was very upset. I hope she’s feeling better now. I sure do love her. Anyway… daddy took me to the car and we headed home. I fell asleep and woke up in my bed. I thought I’d strike up a conversation with the animals on my sheets. They don’t respond. I’m not sure if they speak my language, but I keep trying.

Daddy came and got me and took me downstairs. He took me in to change my diaper. It didn’t smell very good (but it was warm). He said something about a 2 alarm diaper and that it was up my back. After some maneuvers with my clothes, he was able to get me all cleaned up. He decided that since it was close to me eating again and shortly would be bed time, he’d just let me run around in my diaper. He put me in my high chair and got my food ready (Apples and Chicken). I ate a few bites pretty good but then I figured I was being too good and didn’t want to spoil dad, so I didn’t cooperate. He didn’t give me my fruit. I wasn’t too pleased about this but mommy said that if I don’t eat my veggies, I don’t get any fruit. What’s up with that? It is food isn’t it? Daddy put me in my bottle position and I had a bottle.

After I had my bottle, I started playing. Daddy and I had a good time but he kept insisting that I quit playing with the papers on the coffee table. We played for a while but I wanted to go to bed early. He didn’t want me to go to sleep yet, but _I_ insisted that it was time for me to go to bed. Daddy and mommy calls it hitting the wall.

Well, I better go back to bed before daddy catches me on the computer. I love you mommy and daddy!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Time Is Flying By

So, today BudBud is 6 months old. We took some pictures of him so hopefully we'll get them online this weekend.

We cannot believe that it's been 6 months since we first held him. It's been the quickest 6 months of our lives. I'm sure in 6 years we will look back and say it's been a quick 6 years.

He's almost sitting up on his own. He's rolling over at will and when we go up to get him in the morning, he's on his belly. He's still sleeping through the night. There are times we wake up and can hear him on the baby monitor cooing and gabbering to himself. We wait a little bit and he soon falls back to sleep. We figure if he was hungry or something, he'd let us know. He can go from happy and giggling to "I'm starving and I'll die in 1 minute if I don't have a bottle". When he's in this stage, there is NO giving him food; only a bottle will do.

A new milestone is in the works. BudBud is spending the night at Grandma and Grandpa's house. This will be the first time mom has been away from the little guy. Going to be VERY interesting.

That's it for now.

God is Good,

Yellow and Orange Foods (Mar 8)

Jonathan started eating yellow and orange vegetables this evening. Based on Connie's recommendation, his first vegetable for us to try with him was sweet potatoes. He wasn't too sure of the sweet potatoes in the first couple of bites, but then he decided that he liked the flavor and texture and was all albout getting more of them. Here is the link to the first of the eight pictures of his first experience eating vegetables. (picture) He did make a little bit of a mess, but what can you expect for a 6 month old.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Drama at Daycare (Feb 19th)

We had our first "incident" at school today.

One of the older children, Jeremiah, was reading a book to BudBud and showing him the pictures when the book fell and hit BudBud in the face. When the book fell, he ended up with a little bruise on the left side of his mouth and a couple of superficial scratches under the lower left side of his mouth (link to picture) BudBud was fine and was just smiling and looking around, but Jeremiah was so upset that he had hurt BudBud that he threw the book in the trash. Connie, the teacher, said that it took about an hour and a half for Jeremiah to calm down from the incident. It probably did not help that Drew got mad at Jeremiah because he thought that he hurt BudBud on purpose and would not talk to him for awhile. Drew is 4 1/2 years old and loves BudBud and is so excited when he sees him.

Luckily Connie was able to rescue the book that had been the cause of all of this drama.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Parents are not as much fun as Pre-Schoolers

BudBud has been going to 'school' (our word for his daycare) for three weeks now and we could not be more pleased. There are nine other children at the school, one of the nine is another baby and the other eight are under kindergarten age.

Since he has been going to school, it seems that mom and dad are not energetic enough to keep him entertained throughout the day on the weekend and the recent holidays. I guess that two forty plus year olds do not provide the visual and mental stimulation that eight children between the ages of one to six do.

The children love enteracting with the babies. The primary teacher allows the kids to help feed the babies once the baby is over five months old and she has a sign-up sheet for the children to sign-up to take turns helping feed the babies. From the reports we have been given, they are patiently waiting till BudBud turns five months so they can help feed him, but they have another month and a half to wait.

He is learning 'Baby Sign' at school so we are getting the same books for home so we can work with him also and reinforce what he is learning there and so we will understand what he is 'saying' when he signs to us when he gets a little older. He also enjoys sitting with the other children during art and singing circles and really likes listening signing by the teachers and the other children.

We consider ourselves truly blessed to have found his school.

God is good.